PhaseApp Menstrual Calendar


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Beyond PhaseApp providing a simple, fast and precise control of the female menstrual cycle, gives men the opportunity to better understand the behavioral nuances of women during the month.WOMENPhaseApp will help you to control your menstrual period quickly and simply bringing only the information that really matter. It predicts the dates of your next period, the days more likely to get pregnant and PMS period. You can also have your friends and family in your PhaseApp.MENPhaseApp will give you tips to improve your relationship with women giving information of what they feel and how they act in each phase of the menstrual period.Increase your chances of success in romantic evenings. You can register as many women as you want. Have valuable relationship tips considering the male point of view in a humorous way.All you need to know in a simple and fast way.CHARACTERISTICS• No advertisements!• Registration of multiple accounts• Summary of each person's phase showed on the home screen• Menstrual period calculator• Free ovulation and fertility tracker, calculator, and calendar• Track pill use and sex intercourse• Fast setting the duration of each cycle• Cycle prediction for all future months• Description of typical symptoms for each period• Notepad• EXCLUSIVE: Tips how to best leverage each period• EXCLUSIVE: male and female view point• EXCLUSIVE: Power Tips to improve well-being at every stage of the period• EXCLUSIVE: Man Mode / woman Mode